I made a video: WTF is a free 15 minute consult?

i made a video wtf is a free 15 minute consult

Hi Little Light Family! 

I took the plunge and made my first VIDEO content this week and I'm excited to share it with you.

This video is all about my new FREE 15 minute phone consult for anyone who fills out this form.

These consults are where I learn more about your marketing hopes, dreams and challenges and we figure out together if I'm the best person to help you launch your business to the next level.

Hope you enjoy the video. It took me a MILLION takes to get myself sounding like a regular human. This experience really drove it home for me: I'm a writer, not a film star. 

That said, I think it turned out OK.

My hat goes off to my favorite Youtube content creators - you people make it look so easy! 

I've also posted this video on my homepage. There's a transcript below for those who prefer to read.



Video transcript:

Hey guys, Erin from Little Light Copywriting here and today I want to talk to you about what I know about your clients.

Before I got started as a copywriter, I worked as a drug and alcohol counselor. I worked at a 24-hour crisis line and I also worked at a methadone clinic.

That means I've had a lot of one-on-ones with your clients. I've heard what they've been saying about you - not all of it is good!

They say stuff like: "my counselor is full of it," "I don't trust treatment centers," "my dual diagnosis makes it impossible for me to get sober." Really depressing stuff right? But I think the most depressing thing I ever heard a client say - and I heard a lot of clients say this - is they don't care about me they just care about the money they can make off of me, the insurance money they can make off of me.

Guys, if you're here I'm gonna assume that you genuinely care about getting people well. If you don't care, if you're running one of those shady patient-brokering places, hit the back button, find somebody else to do your marketing.

I'm not your girl.

If you're still here, awesome! I want to talk.

How do we fix this perception problem? Well, the answer is actually something I learned in addiction treatment 101 and that's just...focus on the client. Think of your marketing as relationship building. When you're building relationships what do you do? Do you just talk about yourself? No, you'd look like a jerk if you did that!

It's the same with your marketing. Go through your content and ask yourself: How much time do I spend talking about the building, the staff, the certifications, the horseback riding? And then ask yourself: How much time do I actually spend talking about the clients?

Not a lot? That's a problem.

So what you're doing when you're talking just about yourself is - you're selling. We all know what that feels like when we're being sold to - it doesn't build relationships, it doesn't create trust, it doesn't demonstrate understanding, it just...feels like someone's trying to take our money.

I think it's time we try something different.

Stop talking about you and start talking about the leads! Talk about what they're going through

right now - the emotions, the problems, the struggle! Suddenly your leads will stop thinking, "these people just want my money," and start thinking, "Dang! these people really get me!" That's how we're gonna get people through your door and that's how we're gonna get people well. Don't sell - build relationships!

Yay relationship building!

Now, we already know that one-on-ones is the best way to build relationships, right? But we can't always do one-on-ones. That's where I come in. I write what you wish you could say to every single person who visits your website. I do email marketing, blog posts, social media, web copy, sales funnels - I do all that stuff and I make it all about your client.

It worked for providers like LifeWorks Northwest, where I more than doubled program participation in one month, and it'll work for you too. Scroll down and hit that free phone consultation button. Let's talk about how we can stop selling and start building relationships with your leads.

Alright, I hope you're having a good one and I look forward to connecting with you soon. Bye, guys. Thanks for watching.


Erin Gilday